The Elephant Is On The Move Again!

GoogleFiberNow that Google has experienced engaging Kansas City in their ultra high-speed fiber vision, they are moving on to Austin, Texas and Provo, Utah next. And in the background, not knowing where the elephant will move to next, the cable companies and high-speed internet providers are beginning to offer higher speeds and better value. In the past few years Monica and I have been fortunate to experience wide-band speeds when they were initially introduced in both Dallas and in Kansas City. And while we didn’t remain in Kansas City long enough to personally experience Google’s 1 Gb service,  we remain excited about it none-the-less. And with certainty it can be said that the movement of this elephant is raising the bar for ISP’s beyond Kansas City, Austin, and Provo.

Here is an interesting article that discusses the current status, as well as some of the competitive dynamics of the Google fiber deployment project.

So the question to be answered by future history: How many cities will Google fiber wire before announcing the introduction of 10 Gb service?

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